Apr 22

Event Page Layout w/ Multi-Item Checkout

       Kory Gorsky

A delicious new template designed for events but great for any multi-item checkout. Take it for a spin. When choosing a product layout, look for "Multi-Item Checkout".

Mar 29

Recurring Payment Cancellation Reasons

       Josh Bloomfield

You can now track the reason your donors are cancelling their donations and report on them. This is only available on our new Global theme.

To enable, head to Settings & Admin > Payments and look for the Cancellation Reasons panel. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Mar 26

Save product templates & settings

       Josh Bloomfield

Save a product as a template and use it to easily create more of the same type of product.

When editing a product, hit the dropdown beside the Save button and choose "Save as Template".

Mar 20

Save defaults for Point of Sale

       Josh Bloomfield

Speed up data entry by saving default values for your Point of Sale session. Set the default values in your POS session, then hit the gear in the top right corner and click 'Save as Defaults'.

Mar 20

Pin frequently accessed items in Point of Sale

       Josh Bloomfield

You can now pin frequently accessed items to the top of your POS screen for quick access.

Mar 18

Improved Integrations panel

       Josh Bloomfield

We've redesigned the Integrations panel so you can easily see which integrations we support and which you have installed.

Head to Settings & Admin > Integrations and take peak.

Mar 8

Custom Shipping Expectations based on Inventory

       Tim Robertson

Show an estimated shipping time for your products depending on your stock on-hand. (For example: "Ships Today!" vs "Ships in 7-10 days."

Mar 3

Improved UPS integration

       Tim Robertson

You can now filter the UPS options visible to your customers at checkout.

Feb 27

Settlement Batch Report

       Tim Robertson

Review the Givecloud payments by your NMI/SafeSave bank deposits (settlements).

Feb 19

Improved FB Pixel Support

       Tim Robertson

Givecloud's code will detect whether you've installed FB pixel and automatically track payments for you.

Feb 12

DP Sync Improvements

       Tim Robertson
  • You can now set the DonorPerfect Acknowledge Preference on products and forms.
  • Set "Thank You" dates when syncing to DP for orders that have email notified your donor
  • Include Givecloud order special instructions in DP Gift Narratives
Feb 5

Improve DP pledge sync

       Tim Robertson

Improved pledge data sent to DP when not using Givecloud's automated recurring payments.

Feb 4

Fix issue with price displaying on order line items

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

Fix issue with price displaying on order line items on the order review screen.

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