Nov 14

Peer-to-Peer on Fundraising Experiences

       Dan Ramdial

Empower your supporters to create their own peer-to-peer fundraisers to help fundraise towards your mission!

Supporters can easily promote and share their peer-to-peer fundraiser with friends and family, driving support for your cause.

This is a great option to provide your supporters as a next step after making a donation, turning them from supporters to advocates for your mission.

You can learn more about Peer-to-Peer on fundraising experiences here:

Nov 1

Fundraising Insight Emails

       Dan Ramdial

Receive insights about your fundraising on a daily, weekly or monthly basis directly to your email inbox to help you stay on top of your fundraising success!

Fundraising insight emails include a comprehensive report designed to empower you with actionable data and strategic insights to enhance your fundraising performance.

You can learn more about Fundraising Insights here

Oct 20

DCC AI+ improvement for larger donations

       Dan Ramdial

DCC AI+ has been retrained to improve how it adapts to larger donations. This will ensure your major donors feel more comfortable with any suggested DCC amounts.

You can learn more about DCC AI+ here

Oct 20

Recurring payment summary notification is sent multiple times to the same user on the same day

Bug Fix
       Dan Ramdial

When recurring profiles are processed, if more than one user account is opted-in to receive the recurring payment summary notification, it would be sent multiple times to each user.

This has been fixed to be sent once to each user.

Oct 13

Google Analytics - Purchase events were not showing up in Google Analytics for GA4 properties

Bug Fix
       Dan Ramdial

This has been fixed by replacing the server-side purchase event submission to submit client-side.

You will now see purchase events in Google Analytics for GA4 properties.

To learn more about the Google Analytics integration, check out this help article

Oct 13

Using the batch sync supporters option on email integrations only syncs supporters that are opted-in to receive email updates

       Dan Ramdial

The 'Sync All Supporters' option available on email integrations has been updated to only sync supporters who have opted-in to receive email updates.

If this is the first time you’ve connected to an email integration, you can use this option to sync your existing subscribed supporters from Givecloud your contact list.

When connecting your Givecloud account to an email service where there is an existing list of subscribed contacts, this prevents existing contacts from being unsubscribed if your Givecloud account does not contain their most up to date opt-in status.

To learn more about the available email integrations, check these out

Oct 10

Integrations: Constant Contact

       Dan Ramdial

Turn emails into donations by integrating your Givecloud account with Constant Contact's email marketing tools and make communicating with your supporters easy!

To connect your Constant Contact account to your GC admin, go to Settings > Integrations > Constant Contact.

To learn more, check out our help article,

Sep 29
Target go-live
Sep 18.

API - Webhooks

       Dan Ramdial

The contributions_paid webhook has been updated to include both the label and value for select box custom fields.

1) The value attribute contains the label (the label that is displayed publicly)

2) The unformatted_value contains the value

Learn more about our Developer API's here:

Sep 29

Mailchimp Integration

Bug Fix
       Dan Ramdial

Between September 13th and September 19th, there was an issue where supporter names were not syncing to Mailchimp. Only emails were being synced. This issue was resolved on September 19th.

You can use the 'Sync Existing Supporters' option on your Mailchimp integration page, to resync any supporters that may have synced during the affected period to Mailchimp to ensure that their names are also included.

You can find out more about the 'Sync Existing Supporters' option and Mailchimp integration here:

Sep 28
Target go-live
Sep 28.

New Create button and flyout menu

       Adam Volpe

It's now easier than ever to create something new using the new Create button in the top right of your GC admin! We've made it simpler to create your donation forms, products, supporters and more. Use the Create button to create: Forms Supporters Contributions Products Events & Registration Memberships Pages Checkout the Create button to start creating! You're going to LOVE this!

Sep 26
Target go-live
Sep 26.

Supporter email addresses are now included in NMI/SafeSave customer data

       Dan Ramdial

For NMI based gateways, supporter email addresses are now included in the NMI customer vault.

This makes it easier to match supporters in Givecloud to their customer vault in the gateway.

Sep 12
Target go-live
Sep 12.

New Unified Contributions List - Making it easier to view and manage ALL your contributions

       Adam Volpe

We're making it easier and simpler to view and manage ALL your contributions!

You're going to LOVE this!

The Unified Contributions List - a single list to manage all contributions; donations, recurring donations, orders, abandoned carts, sponsorships, event registrations... you name it, all in one place.

To learn more, watch this video.

Aug 4

Add a Countdown to your Fundraising Experiences

       Kimberly Arcand

Add a countdown to communicate a sense of urgency when Fundraising. Couple a countdown with a fundraising goal, for example, Let’s raise $10,000 by August 31st, OR stand-alone to share a deadline.

To add a countdown,

  1. Select Fundraising, then choose the fundraiser you wish to edit.
  2. From Customize Experience > Donation, click or tab to toggle on Countdown.
  3. Set the deadline date right to the final minute.
  4. Save to complete your changes!

To learn more about Fundraising with Givecloud, head over to

Aug 2

New Interface for the Supporter Screen

       Kimberly Arcand

We have made some exciting updates to the supporter screen! The supporter screen now showcases high-level detail for each supporter and a brand new activity log!

  • Updates to the Bumper now showcase the supporter's Donor ID and latest Membership Level.
  • Expandable Profile Section provides a high-level view of your supporter's details, including billing information, email and more. Click on the arrow button to expand the profile to see Donor ID, NPS and Current and past membership levels.
  • Activity highlights all your supporter's activity and history on Givecloud. Filter by specific activities and review the details by clicking the three-dot menu to the right of the activity record.
  • Filter by All Supporter Activity, Accounts, Fundraising Pages, Logins, Comments, Payment Methods and Recurring Payment Profiles.
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