Oct 2

Improved Account Export

       Dan Ramdial

We've added membership level to the account export.

Aug 24

Improved Profile Update Emails

       Dan Ramdial

Adding and removing payment methods now triggers the "Profile Updated" email.

Aug 8

Peer-to-Peer Is HERE!

       Josh Bloomfield

This item is available on a limited basis. You can request access at support@givecloud.co.

Raise more money by allowing your supporters to create their own fundraisers RIGHT on your website! No more need for third-party peer-to-peer platforms. And if you are connected to a CRM like DonorPerfect, all the donations received are instantly pushed to DP.

To request access, ask is in the smiley chat bubble in the bottom right of your control panel :)

We're working on our documentation here :)

Aug 7

Improved DP Code Matching

Bug Fix
       Dan Ramdial

Givecloud now more intelligently matches codes in DP by comparing codes and code descriptions. For example, let's say you had a solicitation code set up called 'FB' with the description 'Facebook'. Givecloud will now compare both the code and the value to make sure it finds the best match. This would allow you to push the word 'facebook' (case insensitive) into the solicitation field, without forcing the value 'FB'.

Between July 11th and August 7th, some customers may have experienced issues with their GL, Campaign, Solicitation or Sub Solicitation Codes not pushing to DP correctly. This would have only impacted those who had over 500 code options (active or inactive) for a given field type. This has been patched.

Aug 7

Improved Order Inbox

       Josh Bloomfield

We spruced up the look of your Orders Inbox (or Orders List) to make it a bit nicer and bit more functional, including:

  • Increasing the font size
  • Adding a photo preview of the items in the order
  • Making the donor/customer clearer in the list, as well as the type of customer and their location
Aug 1

Payments Report

       Josh Bloomfield

Get a detailed view of all payments processed (no matter how they were processed) in a single report. The report can run to a max of 31 days - perfect for monthly, weekly or daily reconciliation.

To access the report, click Reports > Payments from the blue menu on the left.

Jul 3

Better Campaigns Using One-Page Checkout

       Josh Bloomfield

For all the new features below, check the Site Design > Customize panel for additional settings.

Goal Deadlines You can now assign a deadline date for your fundraising goal and optionally show the time remaining to your donors while they are donating.

New Social Media Icons We've improved social media sharing on donation pages (one-page checkout). To enable, find the item your fundraising for (Sell & Fundraise > Items) and check the "Enable Social Buttons" option on the right.

Honour Roll (Donation History) You can show a list of all donations made on your donation page. To enable, find the item your fundraising for (Sell & Fundraise > Items) and check the "Display Past Purchases/Donations" option on the right.

Leave a Message Allow donors to post a message to your Honour Roll as they donate. To enable, find the item your fundraising for (Sell & Fundraise > Items) and check the "Allow Leaving a Public Message" option on the right.

'Anonymous' Donations Allow donors to anonymously donate or leave a message on your honour roll.

Jun 30

Sponsorship Timeline Notifications

       Dan Ramdial

You can send an automated email to sponsors when you add a timeline post to a child/person's profile. Go to Settings & Admin > Emails to create the custom notification.

Jun 27

Removed Whitespace on Donation Pages on Mobile Devices

Bug Fix
       Tim Robertson

On most mobile devices, a vertical strip of whitespace was displaying on donation pages (one-page checkout). This has been resolved.

Jun 26

Include Total Weight in Order Export

       Dan Ramdial

Total Weight has been added as a column when exporting Orders.

Jun 25

Multi-Upload Image Library

       Tim Robertson

You can now upload multiple files or images at once to your Givecloud storage.

Jun 23

Image Gallery Builder

       Tim Robertson

When editing website content (or anywhere the text editor is used), you can use the 'Add Media' button to add an image gallery to your page. Simply select multiple images in the image dialog and click 'Insert Gallery' at the top of the image dialog.

Jun 22

Referral Source Reporting

       Josh Bloomfield

Find the new report under Reports > Referral Sources to get a quick high-level view of your most effective fundraising referrals.

Jun 21

Fix Tribute Integration with DonorPerfect

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

Tributes with too little information provided (ex: only a first name but no last name) were jamming up the DonorPerfect sync. This has been resolved.

Jun 18

Manually Set Next-Bill Date for Recurring Payments

       Josh Bloomfield

You can now set the next-bill date for recurring payments. Look for the new inline calendar when editing a recurring profile.

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