Jun 12

Virtual POS Improvements

       Dan Ramdial

Multi-select custom fields no long auto-select the first option. Required fields now display an asterisk beside them.

Jun 8

Improved Staff Notifications

       Josh Bloomfield

We improved staff notifications when recurring payments process. We also added a new notification when a webhook integration fails.

Jun 6

Fix Hidden Custom Field Support in One-Page Checkout

Bug Fix
       Tim Robertson

Previously, hidden custom fields were not working correctly on one-page checkout. This has been resolved.

May 31

Unable to upload and save banner Images

Bug Fix
       Tim Robertson

Previously, there was an issue uploading and saving banner images. This has been fixed.

May 29

Honour Roll & Donation Comments

       Josh Bloomfield

Have a fund or cause that you are raising funds towards that uses the one-page checkout? You now have the ability to enable comments and show a list of past donations on the one page checkout.

Donation history

Enable an honour roll that shows all donations that have previously come in. Donors have the option of donating anonymously.


Allow your donors to leave a comment with their donations. Comments are displayed publicly in the honour roll.

May 29

Saved Payment Methods In Virtual POS

       Tim Robertson

You can now use a donors' saved payment methods to process an order through the POS. If a previous donor is chosen when completing an order, their saved payment methods are now available as a payment option.

Thanks Children Of Grace!

May 29

Child Sponsorships

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

Previously, sponsored children were still accessible publicly through the URL even though they were removed from the list of children to be sponsored. This has been resolved.

Thanks SAF International!

May 29

Tax Receipts for recurring transactions

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

Previously, the links to tax receipts for transactions in the donor portal were broken. This has been resolved now.

Thanks SAF International!

May 29

Products not being shown as 'Sold Out'

Bug Fix
       Tim Robertson

Previously, in certain scenarios, products that had no stock remaining were still available for purchase. This has been resolved now.

Thanks Deerfoot Lodge!

May 29

Product Goal Amounts

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

Previously, deleted orders were being used to calculate the goal amounts that are shown on products. This has been resolved now.

Thanks Long Island Youth Mentoring!

May 29

Optional Text On The Order Receipt

       Dan Ramdial

Want to add some help text or a message for your donors to the order receipt? You can now add optional text to the Order Receipt page. This setting is available in Site Design > Edit in the Order Receipt tab.

Thanks Astronomical Society of the Pacific!

May 29

Default Donation Option On One Page Checkout

       Dan Ramdial

You now have the ability to set the default donation option to 'recurring' or 'one-time' on the one-page checkout template. Previously, the default was only 'recurring'. This setting is in Site Design > Edit in the One-Page Checkout tab.

Thanks Elephant Sanctuary!

May 29

Product Specific Custom Emails

Bug Fix
       Dan Ramdial

You can now setup product specific custom emails for products that are scheduled to go live on your site at a future date. Previously, if a product had an active start date in the future, it was not possible to setup a custom email for it.

Thanks Kemp Center for the Arts!

Apr 30

Dashboard Improvements

       Josh Bloomfield

We've improved your Givecloud dashboard to help you get a truer picture of how your organization is doing.

  1. Recurring revenue is now included in your monthly revenue total.
  2. We extended the 30 day revenue visualization to 60 days and moved it closer to the top of your dashboard.
  3. We added a second series to the 60 day revenue visual for your recurring revenue so you can easily compare your one-time and recurring revenue.
  4. We improved the account growth visualization to exclude deleted accounts.

Thanks to Brenda, Steph and the team at Avanse for the great feedback!

Apr 27

Account Side-Bar for Orders

       Josh Bloomfield

The spirit behind the new Account Sidebar is to save you time by giving you quicker access to account management functions.

Automatic Account Creation and Linking

Prior to this update, orders were only created if the donor specified a password during payment. Now, at payment, an account will always be created, regardless of whether a password is provided. If the payment has an email or name-zip combination that matches an existing account, we will link to that account.

Instant Donor Overview

The new Account Sidebar that displays on the order screen shows you an overview of the account holder including their lifetime payments, as well as recent orders.

Similar Accounts

Givecloud will always try and automatically link your payments to an existing account. Givecloud now also shows you similar accounts based on email or name-zip matching. If Givecloud made the initial match incorrectly, you can quickly see potential alternatives and switch the account with one-click.

Easily Switch & Link Other Accounts

If you see the wrong account in the sidebar, you can easily switch the account one of two ways.

  1. Select the drop-down beside the account holder's name and select 'Switch'
  2. Use the 'Similar Accounts' section and choose one of the similar accounts to link.

Quick Access to Merge & Login

The dropdown beside the account holder's name lets you quickly merge the account with an existing account, or quickly login as the account holder to see what they see.

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