Nov 3

Sponsorship Status Improvement

       Dan Ramdial

We've improved tracking for the 'is sponsored' status of your children.

There's a new setting that allows you to define the number of sponsors required per child before a child is considered sponsored. For example: maybe it takes 4 sponsorships before a child is considered sponsored. Givecloud can properly track that a child is only fully sponsored when that threshold is reached.

Check Sponsorship Settings for more details.

Nov 3

PayPal is LIVE

       Tim Robertson

Over the last 3 weeks, we've been slowly releasing our new PayPal support.

What's included?

  • Allow donors to pay using PayPal.
  • Allow donors to set-up recurring donations with a PayPal account. Givecloud will automatically process PayPal accounts each month.
  • Allow donors to save their PayPal account as a payment method on their account.
  • Givecloud automatically receipts all PayPal receipts.
  • If you are connected to DonorPerfect, Givecloud passes the PayPal payment into DonorPerfect for you.

Enable PayPal today. Go to Settings & Admin > Integrations > PayPal and follow the instructions!

Don't see PayPal as an option? Drop us an email at and we'll help you get it connected.

Oct 31

DP Improve TY Letter

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

We patched TY Letter Codes so they never get pushed to your DP system as a blank string. Prior to this fix, if you didn't set a TY Letter Code, TY Letter Code would be pushed to DP as a blank string which was causing reporting problems in DonorPerfect. We've patched this to push null as per conversations with the DP product team.

Oct 25

Improve Taxes in POS

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

Improve tax calculations while using the POS to take into account a full taxable address. Look for the additional address settings when you tap the Tax settings in POS.

Oct 25

Mailing Labels

       Dan Ramdial

We listened to your feedback and streamlined your tribute letter process. Now, not only can you batch export letters to print, you can also batch export mailing labels!

See the new 'Print Labels' link under the Bulk options in the Tributes report. Check out the Advanced Settings > Mailing Labels for label output settings.

We'll be implementing these mailing labels on other exports soon enough :)

Oct 24

Event Check-in Export

       Dan Ramdial

Export all your check-ins after your event. Look for the new Export button in your event check-ins report.

Oct 24

DP Receipt Delivery Preference

       Josh Bloomfield

You can now specify a global receipt delivery preference for all gifts pushed into DP. Check your DonorPerfect integration panel.

Oct 23

Fix Membership Options

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

Hide deleted (or ghost) memberships that were incorrectly displaying in the product stock tab.

Oct 17

Improved Stock Levels Export

       Josh Bloomfield

We've added price, sale price and cost to the stock levels export.

Oct 16

Fixed Memberships in POS

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

The POS now ensure the proper fields are required when a membership is purchased. Prior to this patch, it was possible to purchase a membership and not fill in required fields like Billing First Name, Last Name, etc.

Oct 14

Introducing GC:U

       Josh Bloomfield

Givecloud University is now available under the Help! menu! It's your all-access pass to our entire video training - at no charge :)

It's still a work in progress - please be patient as we continue adding content.

Oct 11

Fix SEO Issue

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

Fixed an issue that was preventing meta description and meta keywords from being included on some pages.

Oct 6

Fix Duplicating Pages

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

Patched an issue where pages linked to multiple memberships were duplicating in the main website menu.

Oct 5

Improve Image Support

Bug Fix
       Tim Robertson

Fixed issues and improved image filename support. Prior to this patch, images that had bad filenames would upload with an error. We also improved image processing and thumbnail generation.

Oct 4

DP Auto-Sync & Recurring Donations

Bug Fix
       Josh Bloomfield

Improved DP Auto-Sync setting to include recurring donations. Prior to this patch, all recurring donations automatically processed in Givecloud were being pushed to DP, regardless of the Auto-Sync setting.

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