Sep 27

Page with Payment: Hide Custom Field Card if Fields are Hidden

Bug Fix
       Hayley Killalea
Sep 27

New Supported Payment Gateway: Braintree

       Hayley Killalea
Sep 27

"Can manage peer to peer" user permission was being referenced wrong in the code

Bug Fix
       Hayley Killalea

In certain places in the code, the "Can manage peer to peer" user permission was being referenced in the code as "fundraising_pages" when it should have been "fundraisingpages". If your user profile was set as an "Account Owner" this issue wouldn't have affected you as we don't look at the permission name in that case, but due to the wrong reference, if you were not an "Account Owner" then it didn't matter if you had the "Can manage peer to peer" permission enabled, you would never see the "Configure" option under the menu. This update addressed this issue.

Sep 27

DonorPerfect Sync: Preventing Duplicate Gifts (Recurring Transactions)

       Hayley Killalea

Previous Behaviour: When we attempted to sync transactions and create gifts in DonorPerfect (DP), sometimes the request would fail on the DP side. When this happened, Givecloud couldn't tell at which stage the request failed. The gift could have been created or it could not have. If the gift was created, we had no way of knowing the relationship between the gift in DP and the gift in GC. This meant that, upon failure, when we attempted the sync again, a duplicate gift would be created.

Updated Behaviour: When we push our transaction info to DonorPerfect to create a new gift, we now pass a new piece of information that will help us reconcile the gift in case of an error. When sending the request to create a gift in DonorPerfect, we now pass a reference into the GIFT_NARRATIVE field in DonorPerfect. Before sending the request, we look up gifts in DonorPerfect that have a reference to the item we’re trying to create. If one exists, we will link the item to that gift rather than create a duplicate. After a sync failure/disruption, the sync is only retried once, 5minutes later.

Sep 27

Sponsorship Gender Updates

       Hayley Killalea

Previously when the "Show Gender" setting (Features > Site Design > Sponsorship) was un-toggled, it removed the gender language from the sponsee's profile, but not from the sponsor pop-up modal. We have update this setting to include both areas. When creating a sponsee profile, we also now allow you to select if the gender is unspecified.

Fore more info, check out the following article -

Sep 23

Event Check-In Report: Variants are hidden from the report once deleted if there are no sales

       Hayley Killalea
Sep 23

A "Duplicate" button has been added to promo codes

       Hayley Killalea
Sep 23

Setting to Enable/Disable Emoji Reactions on Virtual Events

       Hayley Killalea

This setting can be found on the Virtual Event set up page (Features > Virtual Events > Add).

Sep 14

Updates to the Contributions API

       Hayley Killalea

Updates included: Ensuring that custom fields are sent on the line items in the response from the API and the data in a webhook.

Allowing users to filter the contributions index api endpoint by the following filters:

  • ordered_before
  • ordered_after
  • updated_before
  • updated_after

Updated documentation can be found here -

Sep 10

"Cancelled Date" is now available on the Recurring Profiles export

       Hayley Killalea
Sep 9

Wonky coding displaying in the donor portal has been fixed

Bug Fix
       Hayley Killalea

Two issues fixed:

  • "My Tax Receipt" browser tab title
  • "Add a Payment Method" button on in the recurring payment tab
Sep 9
Target go-live
Sep 8.

The use of shortcodes is now supported in the biography section of a sponsee profile

       Hayley Killalea
Aug 30
Target go-live
Aug 26.

DonorPerfect Sync: Preventing Duplicate Gifts

       Hayley Killalea

Previous Behaviour: When we attempted to sync contributions and create gifts in DonorPerfect (DP), sometimes the request would fail on the DP side. When this happened, Givecloud couldn't tell at which stage the request failed. The gift could have been created or it could not have. If the gift was created, we had no way of knowing the relationship between the gift in DP and the gift in GC. This meant that, upon failure, when we attempted the sync again, a duplicate gift would be created.

Updated Behaviour: When we push our contribution info to DonorPerfect to create a new gift, we now pass a new piece of information that will help us reconcile the gift in case of an error. When sending the request to create a gift in DonorPerfect, we now pass a reference into the GIFT_NARRATIVE field in DonorPerfect. Before sending the request, we look up gifts in DonorPerfect that have a reference to the item we’re trying to create. If one exists, we will link the item to that gift rather than create a duplicate. After a sync failure/disruption, the sync is only retried once, 5minutes later. Currently, this only applies to contributions and not to recurring transactions.

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