Jan 11

Direct Debit Improvement within the Donor Portal for Canadian Supporters

       Kimberly Arcand

For Canadians, when adding a direct debit payment method in the donor portal, the payment method fields would sometimes show the incorrect fields (e.g., Routing number).

This fix ensures Givecloud pulls the correct country for the payment method.

Jan 7

Consolidated Tax Receipts Improvement: Reviews original contribution to determine billing country when missing on supporter profile

       Kimberly Arcand

Givecloud pulls from contributions and recurring transactions when consolidated tax receipts are issued.

Before the fix, Givecloud looked at the contribution donations billing information to issue a receipt and would look at the supporter's profile billing country for the recurring donation.

The improvement ensures that if the billing country is set as NULL on the supporter profile, Givecloud will look at the original contribution to receipt the recurring donations.

Dec 13

✅ Log4j Security Review: Pass

       Josh Bloomfield

On December 9th, the internet became aware of a security vulnerability effecting many websites.

We performed a cursory review of our infrastructure, and every package and module our infrastructure uses and determined there is no risk to our systems.  Your pages, sites and data are safe.

Nov 30

Extended Payment by Item Report to December 15th, 2021

       Kimberly Arcand

The Payment by Item report will be available until December 15th, 2021. On December 15th, the Contribution by Line item report will replace the Payments by Item report.

To learn more about the contribution by line item report, go to https://help.givecloud.com/en/articles/5280256-contribution-line-items-report.

Nov 30

Locale Français (Canada) Language updates in checkout.

       Kimberly Arcand

Locale Français (Canada) Language updates in checkout include item checkout navigation, cart navigation, and payment navigation.

Item checkout navigation Continuez à naviguer to Continuer nes achats Paiement to Passer la commande

Cart Navigation Vérifier to Suivant Continuez vos achats to Continuer mes achats

Payment Navigation Palement complet to Passer la commande

Nov 19

Braintree: pending settlement response update in Givecloud

       Kimberly Arcand

The update ensures that when processing recurring payments, the pending settlement response from Braintree is available as a response option for recurring payments status.

Nov 19

Transaction Fee Report name updated to Platform Fee Statements

       Kimberly Arcand

We have updated the name of the Transaction Fee Report to Platform Fee Statements on the Givecloud admin. The Platform Fee Statements can be found under Setting > Billing > Platform Fee Statements.

Nov 19

Deleted test contributions are no longer visible on Peer-to-Peer fundraising totals and honor roll

       Kimberly Arcand

Deleted Test Contributions are no longer visible on Peer-to-Peer fundraising totals and honor roll. We updated the fundraising aggregate and removed deleted test contributions from the honor roll.

Nov 19

Add merge tags in the 'To' field on the product(s) variant purchase custom email

       Kimberly Arcand

Improvement release now allows users to add merge tags in the 'To' field on the product(s) variant purchase custom email.

Nov 15

Items: Supporter-facing out of stock message now includes the amount of remaining stock.

       Kimberly Arcand

If an item has low stock and a supporter adds more than the available stock, the supporter will receive the error, " We have limited stock for this item. Only {number of stock remaining} is available for purchase."

Nov 12

Contributions Line Item Report: Currency has been moved into it's own column

       Hayley Killalea
Nov 12

Locale: Updated Email Merge tags to be Localized to Site Language

Bug Fix
       Hayley Killalea

The following merge tags were updated:





Nov 12

Sponsorships: We've added a new filter on the Sponsorships page to allow you to filter the status of the recurring payment

       Hayley Killalea
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