Apr 15
Target go-live
Apr 14.

Added "Days-to-X" data to Mode

       Maria Tan

The following data are captured at the client level in Mode:

  • Date of creation
  • Days from creation to their first active subscription purchased
  • Days from creation to their first contribution (any site)
Mar 8
Target go-live
Mar 8.

Help Article Link Added to the Split Gifts Setting

       Maria Tan

A new warning has been added to the split gift setting that encourages the subscriber to read our help article first.

Mar 4
Target go-live
Mar 4.

UTM Tracking Codes and Referer to Contributions API & Webhooks

       Maria Tan

These fields will now be available through the API and Webhooks on Contributions:

http_referer tracking_source tracking_medium tracking_campaign tracking_term tracking_content

Mar 4
Target go-live
Mar 4.

Donor Cover Costs (DCC) in Contributions Report Export

       Maria Tan

DCC amounts are now listed in both the Contributions > All Contributions report export in the list of contributions (the whole order) and list of contributions with line items.

Mar 4
Target go-live
Mar 4.

Proofing Our Checkout Experience

       Maria Tan

While we already had a protective measure in place to disable the purchase button after the first click, we've made improvements to catch fringe cases from slipping through the protective measure.

This update ensures that it will now be impossible for a purchase request to be submitted twice.

Feb 1
Target go-live
Feb 1.

Members with renewed memberships will no longer receive a Membership Expiry Email.

       Maria Tan

We made an update on the way we route our Membership Expiry Emails. This new grouping ensures that members will no longer receive an expiry email if their membership has already been renewed.

Jan 26
Target go-live
Jan 26.

Membership Start Date/Enrollment Date in Account Imports

       Maria Tan

We've updated our account imports to now include Membership Start Dates and Enrollment Dates to more accurately reflect a member's span of membership in their Givecloud record.

Jan 14

Dashboard Updated Look & Feel Now Live! ☀️

       Kimberly Arcand

The Givecloud Dashboard received a glow-up with an updated look and feel.

The update allows you to quickly review essential fundraising stats including, Contribution over the last 60 days, Today's Engagement, Besting Performing Items, and NEW Contributions by Geography graph. Now you can sort by country or local regions, states or provinces.

Jan 12

Export Reports for Items and Items Variants

       Kimberly Arcand

An export report is now available for Items and Items variants on Givecloud. To access the reports, go to Features > Sell & Fundraise Items.

The reports include,

Product Export Fields: Code, Name, Summary, Permalink, Goal Amount, Is Enabled, Show in POS, Is Featured, Is New, Is DCC Enabled, Is Tax Receiptable, Allow Tributes, Enabled Sales Tax, Created and Last Modified.

Variant Export Fields: Product Code, Product Name, SKU, Variant Name, Is Donation, Price Presets, Price, Sale Price, Fair Market Value, Minimum Price, Billing Period, Billing Starts On, Billing Ends On, Total Billing Cycles, Is Default, Is Shippable, Is Shipping Free, and Quantity.

Jan 11

Item Listing Filter Based on Shippability

       Maria Tan

Items can have variants that have shipping enabled, so a filter has been added to the Item listing that will give two options:

Is Shippable:

"Yes" - Show all items with at least one variant that is shipping enabled.

"No" - Show all items that DON'T HAVE ANY variants with shipping enabled.

Jan 11

Direct Debit Improvement within the Donor Portal for Canadian Supporters

       Kimberly Arcand

For Canadians, when adding a direct debit payment method in the donor portal, the payment method fields would sometimes show the incorrect fields (e.g., Routing number).

This fix ensures Givecloud pulls the correct country for the payment method.

Jan 7

Consolidated Tax Receipts Improvement: Reviews original contribution to determine billing country when missing on supporter profile

       Kimberly Arcand

Givecloud pulls from contributions and recurring transactions when consolidated tax receipts are issued.

Before the fix, Givecloud looked at the contribution donations billing information to issue a receipt and would look at the supporter's profile billing country for the recurring donation.

The improvement ensures that if the billing country is set as NULL on the supporter profile, Givecloud will look at the original contribution to receipt the recurring donations.

Dec 13

✅ Log4j Security Review: Pass

       Josh Bloomfield

On December 9th, the internet became aware of a security vulnerability effecting many websites.

We performed a cursory review of our infrastructure, and every package and module our infrastructure uses and determined there is no risk to our systems.  Your pages, sites and data are safe.

Nov 30

Extended Payment by Item Report to December 15th, 2021

       Kimberly Arcand

The Payment by Item report will be available until December 15th, 2021. On December 15th, the Contribution by Line item report will replace the Payments by Item report.

To learn more about the contribution by line item report, go to https://help.givecloud.com/en/articles/5280256-contribution-line-items-report.

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