Oct 25

Lifetime giving on the recurring payment profile page now accounts for refunds.

       Kimberly Arcand

Lifetime giving on the recurring payment profile page now accounts for refunds.. The lifetime giving will only include paid transactions towards the recurring payment profile.

Oct 24

Search and Review all Images in the Image Library

       Kimberly Arcand

We have released an improvement to the image library. Search and review images saved to the image library to quickly manage or remove older images. Use the image name to find the image within your image library. Add to a page or remove by selecting the X icon in the right-hand corner.

Oct 11

Contribution with Items report export now includes tribute details

       Kimberly Arcand

We have updated the Contribution with Items report export to include tribute details. The following fields have been added,

  • Tribute Type
  • Tribute Name
  • Notify
  • Notify Name
  • Created on
  • Notify on
  • Sent on
  • Notify Message
  • Notify Email
  • Notify Address
  • Notify City 
  • Notify State
  • Notify Zip
  • Notify Country

To learn more about tributes, check out our help documentation,

Oct 11

'None' is now available as a notification option for supporters who are donating with Tribute

       Kimberly Arcand

We have added 'none' as an option on tributes, so whether you offer email only or letter only for tributes, supporters will be able to select not to send the recipient a tribute notification.

To learn more about tributes, check out our help documentation,

Sep 21

Dashboard Tiles to measure your success month over month

       Kimberly Arcand

Dashboard Tiles have been added to your Givecloud admin to help you easily measure your success month over month.

Use the dropdown menu beside the month to review the previous or current month.

Review your total amount, one-time, recurring, new supporters, contributions, average size, average daily amount and DCC coverage.

Jul 22
Target go-live
Jul 25.

Supporter Social Login is here! Supporters can now use their social logins to access their Givecloud Donor Portal with speed and ease!

       Nael Aljabi

Improve your donor's login experience by allowing them to login to your Givecloud site using their Google, Facebook or Microsoft accounts!

No more having donors fill their address, first and last name when signing up, their Givecloud account will use their social login to fill all of that information if they are provided by their social login account!

This feature is enabled by default under Settings > Supporter Preferences > Social Logins, so there's no action needed to take advantage of this today!

Jul 18

Embedded Donation Forms

Bug Fix
       Kimberly Arcand

Supporters may have experienced issues placing donations through embeddable donation forms from Thursday, Jul 14 at 2:44 pm EST to Monday, Jul 18 at 12:16 pm EST. This was due to a date validation error. An update was complete Monday, Jul 18 at 12:16 pm EST to resolve the issue.

Jun 17

Search For Supporters Right From your Dashboard & Get Matching Results In Seconds!

       Nael Aljabi

No more clicking through multiple menus to get to the supporter search, we've added a search on the top left of your dashboard where you can easily search for supporters in seconds! Watch this short video to see it in action! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO4iLgVFYD0

May 31

Payments Report Update: Breakdown Based On Payment Processor and Source

       Nael Aljabi

An update to the payments report is now available! The report beautifully organizes your payment totals based on your payment processors such as Stripe, PayPal, etc. The report also provides a breakdown of payment types such as Visa, MasterCard, etc. Your overall payment totals from all sources are readily displayed at the bottom of the report. This gives you a quick high-level glance at which source generated the most donations and which generated the least.

May 20
Target go-live
May 16.

Autosave and Revisions for Pages

       Maria Tan

Revisions and autosave for pages are now live! Autosave is triggered in the background every 60 seconds for pages. Up to five revisions or versions of the page is also saved, making it a breeze to restore previous versions of your page. A warning or notification will be displayed when you edit a page with a more recent autosave.

May 13

Memberships syncing to DonorPerfect

Bug Fix
       Dan Ramdial

1) If there is no MCAT linked to a membership level in Givecloud, then the membership level will not be synced to DonorPerfect (including the enrolment and expiry date).

2) When a contribution is synced to DonorPerfect, only if the contribution is linked to a membership will a supporters membership info be synced to their donor record in DonorPerfect.

May 3
Target go-live
Apr 5.

Added Fundraiser Details to API, Webhook Contribution, Transaction Line Item Details Report

       Maria Tan

The following Fundraiser Details have now been added to our API, Webhook Contribution, and Transaction Line Item Details report.


Hashed ID Title Url Category Goal Deadline

Supporter Details

Supporter ID Active Display Name First Name Email Type

May 3

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: Profanity Filter

       Kimberly Arcand

A profanity filter is now applied on Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Pages. Now an automatic profanity filter will stop the Peer-to-Peer fundraising page from being created if profanity is detected in the title or description of the page. A warning message will display if profanity is detected after someone selects "Create Page."

Apr 22

New Supporter Listing View along with Gravatar images and a Recurring Donor column

       Kimberly Arcand

A new supporter listing view has been added to Givecloud.

  • Supporters with a Gravatar associated with their email will have an image shown beside their name in the list view. If the supporter doesn't have a Gravatar, their initials will display.
  • New recurring donor column has been added. The column will show a green check if the supporter has an active recurring profile or yellow if a supporter has a suspended recurring profile.
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